Tuesday, September 27, 2016


We traveled to Kansas City over the weekend to watch Carter play baseball and Karlie play soccer. Carter had two baseball games on Saturday and Karlie had a soccer game on Saturday and another one on Sunday. Carter's team won their first game on Saturday but lost their second game. Karlie won their game on Saturday 4-1 with Karlie scoring two goals and an assist. They lost their game on Sunday.

Karlie scoring a goal.  She is very competitive.

Carter getting ready to bat.
On Sunday it rained but we did end up going to the Cider Mill Festival in a nearby town.  It was a little muddy but I think Carter and Karlie had fun.  They got to watch them make apple cider and also drink it.  I think Karlie's favorite was the apple cider donuts.

It had really cooled down which made it nice.  Karlie, Michelle, Carter and Tracy.
Karlie, Michelle and Carter.
Karlie, Melvin and Carter.

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