Sunday, July 24, 2016


It was so hot while they were here.  It was 105  when they arrived on Friday,  officially tying the daily record high set in 1943. The heat index was already 117 at 1:30 yesterday. They were going to go a water park or pool nearby but it started to rain about the time they were ready to leave. So, they went bowling instead.

An attempted photo shoot on the pond behind our house on the golf course.  This was in between the rain. Golfers appeared so they  had to run.
Pap-pa and Carter walked up to the golf course one night. They were going to play golf while they were visiting but it was just too hot.
Karlie decided she wanted to play on the slip and slide before they left to go home today. She and Carter had fun but put a hole in it so may be going to Wal-mart to buy a new one.

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