Monday, June 27, 2016


We took a break from unpacking and took a trip to Kansas City to watch our grand kids play ball. Tracy and Abby went with us. It is now a six and a half hour drive instead of a 4 hour drive from Oklahoma. But the scenery is definitely a lot prettier this route.

The first night was Carter's game. He even pitched some.

The next night was Karlie's game and it was her last game of the season.  She got a medal and a cupcake.  She was so proud of both.

Carter and his dad played in a golf tournament in another city on Saturday, the day we were leaving. Carter did really good.  They came in 4th place.
Abby and Karlie at the Spring-Hill Aquatic Center.                                                                 
They held hands going down the slide when the lifeguard wasn't looking.                                      

Abby and Karlie played Doctor.  Foxa broke her leg and has on a cast in a wheel chair.               

Abby and Karlie being silly.                                                                                                             

Abby and Karlie posing in front of the house for a picture to make Momo happy before we left on Saturday.

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