Tuesday, December 30, 2014


We spent Christmas in Arkansas this year with Kim and family. Tracy, hubby and I left on Tuesday and came back home on Friday. We decided to come back on Friday because they were predicting snow in Oklahoma City on Friday and they predicted correctly. We didn't take a lot of pictures this year for some reason. Santa was good to Abby. I asked her if Santa was good to her and she said he brought me gifts. I don't think she understood what I meant by asking if he was good to her.LOL

 Pap-pa petting the dogs.  One dog can't be petted without petting the other.

Pap-pa spending quality time with Abby.

On Christmas Eve, we opted to just have hors d'oeuvres instead of our traditional pizza.
Christmas dinner consisted of prime rib, roasted potatoes, asparagus, Cajun corn and deviled eggs.  We had cherry pie topped with ice cream and pecan pie for dessert.  It was really good.

Everyone except hubby and I went to see a movie on Christmas Day night.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014


My grand-daughters dressed in their pretty Christmas outfits for pre-school and kindergarten.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


This has always been one of my favorite pictures of Abby.

Monday, December 8, 2014


This was the Christmas that we had the blizzard. The first Christmas in this house. This is Carter and Abby in the picture. Karlie was only a few months old. I have always thought this was a cute picture. This was the night before Christmas Eve and we had opened all the gifts. Kim and Abby had planned on getting up early the next morning and flying back to Arkansas. But the weather did not cooperate and the air port was closed. They did make it back Christmas Day.

Friday, December 5, 2014


These pictures will be on my Christmas card.