Wednesday, July 23, 2014


When we first moved in our house, there was an opening between the laundry room and the office. Hubby and I both thought it was a little odd, because we had no idea what purpose it served.

 So, after living in the house for almost five years, I had an idea. I decided to order shutters and enclose the opening. Well, I could not order the exact size shutters for the opening, so it took hubby awhile to get around to installing them and figuring out a way to make them fit.

Then after they were installed, it took a another few months for them to get painted. But, after a few months, they were finally installed and painted. I liked the way they looked, so I decided it was time to decorate the laundry room. Granted, no one ever sees the room but me, but still I could enjoy it. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on it because, well no one sees it but me.

 The laundry room before.  This is actually the first house I have had that has a sink in the laundry room.  This is the fourth house, that we have bought and have also lived in two apartments, one townhouse and a duplex. Sorry, no pictures of the opening without the shutters. But, just take my word, that it looks a lot better with shutters instead of a hole in the wall.

The after.  I tried to sell the little pots in the garage sale and no one would buy them, so I just decided to paint them and put plants in them.  I got the rest of the ideas off Pinterest.  I think the room is a lot cuter and now maybe I will enjoy doing laundry more. But, just trust me the shutters add so much more to the room.  On the other side of the shutters is our office and I will show pictures of it later.  It is due for a make-over also.

The walls do not have splotches on them, it is just the light coming through the window.  It was so bright that time of day, I had to close the blinds. Might do window treatments later, but not sure.

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