Thursday, January 23, 2014


Abby's fifth birthday party this year was at Chuck-E-Cheese. She enjoyed it, that is for sure. Tracy worked at Chuck-E Cheese for over four years, when she was in high school and college.  The very same Chuck-E-Cheese where the party was.  I don't know how she tolerated the noise for that long.

It was a really cute cake. but there was a ms-hap in getting it from the car into the party.  The top layer slid off.  We fixed it the best we could, but it still tasted really good.  It was so moist.

Abby loved the big rat, but a few of the kids did not.

 Aunt Michelle supplied the balloons.

Carter found something to do other than trying to collect as many tickets as possible.
The two cousins stayed together.  You never saw one without the other.  Just wish they could be together more.

Karlie likes cake.
Dancing with Chuck-E.
Lots of gifts.
Abby's hair looks so pretty in this picture.

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