Friday, December 27, 2013


Hubby and I went over to Tracy's house on Sunday night to open our gifts before we left to go to Kansas City.  Tracy put up her big tree this year.  She also made a big pot of chili.  It was really good.

Hubby's gift from me.  He was pretty happy with it.  It is a panorama of the game with OSU and Baylor.  He and Tracy are in the crowd.

We took these pictures as we were heading to Kansas City Monday morning.  We had ice and a big frost on top of the ice.  It was really pretty.  The ornaments had ice cycles hanging from them.
Ice cycles on the gate wreath.

When we got to Blackwell, Oklahoma,  it started snowing really hard but we drove through it pretty fast.  We made it to Kansas City without any problems.  They did have snow on the ground when we arrived at Michelle's house.  So, we did have a white Christmas.

Michelle had the house decorated really pretty for Christmas.

These pictures were taken Christmas Eve.  Karlie and Abby had matching pajamas for Christmas  this year.  Wonder whose idea that was?

The pictures on the stairs were Carter's idea.  They turned out pretty cute.
Christmas morning.  Karlie was pretty happy with her bike that Santa brought her.
She was actually happy with all her gifts.

Carter loved all his gifts also.

Christmas dinner.  It was all so good.  So glad that Tracy and Michelle cooked almost all of it.

Can you tell that Karlie is just a little excited over the cake?  She loves cake.

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