Monday, August 12, 2013


These were our views from the balcony on our condo.

  Pretty houses in the mountains across the lake.  We could see these houses from our balcony.

 I found some pictures of  the " Floating Cafe" on the internet.  It was located less than 1/4 mile from our condo.  Tracy and I got a little dizzy, since it was floating.  It was also kind of scary having kids surrounded by water without life jackets on.  But, the kids loved it.    People feed the fish, so they could watch the fish out front. 

 More pictures of the kids on the go-carts.  When the attendant told them to stop, the little girls did not know where the brake was, so they just kept stepping on the gas.  They finally ran into the wall to stop.  I am sure Carter was laughing at them.

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