Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Hubby and I stayed at the Fountainbleau Hotel in Miami Beach,  Florida for 8 days back in October of 1982. 

Hubby was receiving a special designation.  I remember it meant we would be gone on Tracy's birthday and she was so sad about that.  But, I thought it might be the only chance I would ever get to go to Miami and especially stay in the Fountainbleau, so I didn't want to pass up going.  Many movies have been made with the Fountainbleau in it.

We had a great time, but 8 days was a long time for me and I didn't think I was ever going to get back to Oklahoma.  Oh and it was the first time I had ever flown and also the last.  Maybe I will fly again, who knows. My parents came and stayed with the kids while we were gone and I think it was a long week for them also.  I am sure they were so ready to get back to Mississippi.

A funny story while we were staying at the Fountainbleu.  One morning hubby and I got up early, for us and went to sunbathe in beach chairs,  overlooking the beach.  People started looking at us and pointing.  Well, I have always been self-conscious about my looks and I was in a swimsuit, so normally, I thought they were talking about me. I decided to look beside me and a lady was lounging in a chair right next to me with her bikini top off.   So, they were looking and pointing at her, not me.  I was sure relieved to know that it was not me that they were looking and pointing at.  But,  also I could not believe  the Fountainbleau allowed her to do that.

This is a picture of what the Fountainbleau looked like back in 1982 when we stayed in it.  I thought it was the most beautiful landscaping I had ever seen.  We loved the rock pool, which also had a waterfall.But, it looks like now they have done away with the rock pool and built a new pool or maybe they have more than one pool now.

This is a picture that we took when we were there.  It is the rock pool.  Hubby is in the pool, in the foreground.

 This is what it looks like now.  It has changed a lot since 1982.  Hubby said the other day that he guessed we needed to go back, but I think this time, we need to take the kids and grand kids  I remember when we were there, thinking someday I wanted to bring the kids to stay in it.  Although it might be best to stay in a condo close to the Fountainbleau, since there would be so many of us now.

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