Monday, May 27, 2013


Kim and Abby arrived Friday night to spend Memorial Day weekend with us.  Abby was sure a  nice distraction from the stressful week we had after the tornadoes hit on Sunday and Monday.

On Saturday, we all went downtown to Bricktown and rode the water taxis on the canal.  Abby was so excited that she was going to get to ride in a boat, but I think she was thinking the boats were like the ones we saw when we rented the lake house on Grand Lake.  This boat didn't go quite as fast as those did.  But, she enjoyed it none the less.

She enjoyed playing on this statue.

Looking cool in her mommy's sunglasses.

On Sunday, she got to go to Frontier City.  It is a big amusement park that her mommy and Aunts went to many times when they were growing up.  She had lots of fun. She was really good at paddling her canoe.

Tracy took her to our neighborhood playground and let her play.  She is very brave at climbing.  No one in the pool, it was too cool here.

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