Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Carter and Karlie spent their Memorial Day weekend at their neighborhood pool.  Michelle said the water was cold but they didn't seem to mind.

Karlie and her little neighbor friend.

Thought this was a cute picture.  Karlie seems to know what it is all about.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Kim and Abby arrived Friday night to spend Memorial Day weekend with us.  Abby was sure a  nice distraction from the stressful week we had after the tornadoes hit on Sunday and Monday.

On Saturday, we all went downtown to Bricktown and rode the water taxis on the canal.  Abby was so excited that she was going to get to ride in a boat, but I think she was thinking the boats were like the ones we saw when we rented the lake house on Grand Lake.  This boat didn't go quite as fast as those did.  But, she enjoyed it none the less.

She enjoyed playing on this statue.

Looking cool in her mommy's sunglasses.

On Sunday, she got to go to Frontier City.  It is a big amusement park that her mommy and Aunts went to many times when they were growing up.  She had lots of fun. She was really good at paddling her canoe.

Tracy took her to our neighborhood playground and let her play.  She is very brave at climbing.  No one in the pool, it was too cool here.

Friday, May 24, 2013

TORNADO-MAY 20, 2013

Just wanted to let everyone know that my family and I are all OK.  The tornado hit about 23 miles from where we live.  The one that hit on Sunday, hit about two miles from our house and less than a mile from Tracy's house.  That is the first time that hubby has ever gotten in the little room, underneath the stairs with me.  It was pretty scary and we knew that there was a chance of more tornadoes on Monday.  I never thought there would be another tornado like the one that hit Moore, Ok. on May 3rd, 1999.  I don't think other Oklahomans did either.  But, this one was even worse, over two miles wide.

Kim had a friend that lost her house and her grandmother lost her house also.  She had gone to pick up her daughter from school and the teacher said she could not leave.  Her daughter just ran past her and left anyhow.  They barely made it to her grandmother's storm shelter.  When it was over and they came out, her grandmother's house was gone and her car had been thrown against a tree.
Hubby had an agency in Moore and around nine people in that agency lost their houses.

So, we do have people we can give individually to.  Tracy and I had around 14 plastic storage bins that we emptied in our garage sale last Friday so, he took those to the agency on Wednesday.  People cannot find the storage bins in Oklahoma City now.  So thankful that we are not going through what they are going through and that we can help out in anyway possible.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Miss Abby and the little piglet.