Monday, March 25, 2013


Tracy, hubby and I left for Kansas City Thursday morning to take Easter goodies and other things to the grand kids. It seems whenever we go visit lately that no matter where we go that it snows. We knew it was in the forecast for Kansas City but thought since it was the end of March maybe they would miss it. But, just like when we left Arkansas after spending Christmas with Kim and family, we also left Kansas City with eight inches of snow on the ground. We were afraid when we woke up Sunday morning that we might have to stay over another day, but Kansas City does such a good job of getting the snows plows in and getting the streets cleared off, that we were able to leave on Sunday as planned. We did see several cars that had slid off the interstate though, but we made it back to OKC just fine. Michelle and their deck when we woke up Sunday morning.
This is when we were leaving and if you look closely at the window, you can see Carter and Karlie watching us leave. Karlie was not happy.
We did have a pretty view out our car window for most of the ride home though.
During our visit, we decided to take the kids to Lego Land since the weather was not nice enough for them to be outside. They loved it, even though Karlie was really tired at the end. So tired, she was willing to go back to the car with pap-pa while Carter shopped for a toy in the gift shop. She was asleep when everyone got back to the car. Some pics of them at Lego Land. This giraffe is made out of Lego's and glued together.

 Carter built this car out of Lego's to race.

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