Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Karlie's birthday party was a success. I think Karlie really enjoyed it and had a big day. I know that Abby did also. The party had a Dora theme. Dora is Karlie's favorite. Karlie said all she wanted for her birthday was a Dora cake and Dora balloons. I think she kind of enjoyed all the neat gifts she
received though.

Michelle rented a bouncing house for the kids. They really had fun playing in it. That is where they stayed for most of the party.

Lots of good food to eat. I didn't get a picture of all of it.
This big Dora balloon was a big hit at the party.
Opening her gifts.

Karlie blowing out her candle.

No, neither Karlie or Abby drink from a bottle. There was a six month old little boy at the party.

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