Monday, July 16, 2012


Pictures of the lake house.

When we made plans for our girl's get away at the lake over a month ago, we called to reserve a house. We rented one on Grand Lake which would be convenient for all of us to meet at. We were told the house had never been rented out before, but it was located on the lake. Since there were no pictures of it, we had no idea what to expect. The house was awesome. We could see the lake from three sides of the house. There were huge windows in the living room, dinning room and kitchen, so we had a view of the lake at all times. There was a huge deck on the back that wrapped around the house and across from the deck was a yacht club. We could sit out on the deck and watch the yachts go up and down the lake. There was just one disadvantage and that was the little girls running in and out all the time. There were gates on both sides of the deck leading down to the lake and they knew how to open them. Also, from the front door, the lake was only about 20 feet away. But, we all had a great time. I hope the grandkids will remember it and look forward to next years girl's get away. A view of the lake.
The yacht club at night.
The little girls walking on the walk below our house.
The little girls watching fireworks being shot off over the lake from our deck.
All ready to go swimming.
Carter pulling Abby in the tube.
One of the many yachts we saw.
Carter really liked this boat.

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