Monday, November 8, 2010


Karlie turned one on Saturday and T, hubby and I all went to Kansas City to help her celebrate over the weekend. T and I left on Thursday and hubby didn't arrive until late Friday. The party was just for family and in case you can't tell, it was a zebra themed party.

The cake turned out really cute. There was lots of good food to eat also, but I forgot to take a picture of it.

Karlie in her little tutu.
Helping her mommy open gifts. She got lots of nice gifts.On her dad's side of the family, there are one year old twins and a two year old. So, it was kind of a zoo with all of them running around. We just needed Miss A there and I think she would have fit in perfectly with them. Maybe next year she can be there. In this picture they are playing with the gift that Aunt T gave her.

Karlie riding in the little car that Momo and Pap-pa gave her. She loves for her big brother to push her around the house in it. I think she would just sit and let him push her all day.

It was kind of funny watching the little boy cousins riding in a little pink car. Not that they cared what color it was.

Digging into her cake. She wasn't sure at first if she was supposed to or not. But, she finally got the hang of it.

We had a great time.

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