Thursday, September 23, 2010


There are a few things that I miss not being in Arkansas and one of them is the Fall. Maumelle had so many trees and they were beautiful in the Fall. There are not that many trees here and the ones that are here do not turn the pretty colors in the Fall.

I remarked to T the other day that people here also don't tend to decorate much for Fall. Maybe because there is not much of a Fall. It just seems to go from Summer straight into Winter.

I did drive around today and found a few trees turning and also one house not to far from us that had out a cute Fall display.

In our neighborhood.

This tree's leaves had turned a burgany color, which does not show up in the picture.

This house is located in a neighborhood not far from us. I love scarecrows. My favorite of all Fall decorations. They look like they are Mr. and Mrs. Scarecrow.

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