Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We are back. Hubby and I left Monday to go to Beaver lake. We met up with T, K, J and A in Rogers, Arkansas. We were the first to arrive, so we went and bought the cold food to take up to the lake. We aways take food because there is no place once you get up there to buy food. You would have to wind back down the mountain for about ten miles to find a store of any kind.

After we bought groceries, we then met all of them at Chick-Fil-A and ate a bite and then they followed us up the mountain to the lake. Beaver lake is probably the prettiest lake that I have ever seen. We have been before and every time we go, hubby and T always say they want to move up there. K and I are just not sure, we could live in a place so isolated.

These are some views of the lake.

A rainbow, one night after it had rained.

The cabin that we stayed in.

The first thing that A did when she went out on the deck was to put her feet through the rails. T was so nervous the whole time, because she had a dream about a baby falling off the deck.

Hubby would get up early every morning and go and sit on the deck. Each morning a deer would come running by. They would stop and look at him. He thinks it was the same deer every morning.

A squirrel also came and kept him company every morning.

A would go and sit on the deck every morning and eat her banana. She loves bananas.

A poising for a picture on the hearth of the rock fireplace.

Hubby is certain these were vultures, but J and I didn't think so. It didn't do any good to argue with him. He says he grew up with vultures all around, so he is an expert on them.

We had bought A an inflatable wading pool to take to her. We thought she wasn't going to get to get in it, because it rained that morning. But, it then turned really hot, after the rain stopped. She will only stand in it. No way will she sit down in it.

She stole Aunt T's flip flops and walked around it in them. She was actually pretty good at walking in them. She also threw them in her pool.

This was a house, beside the cabin that we stayed in. They are not all cabins up in the woods.

We left this morning and drove back to Rogers to eat lunch at the Red Robin.
A coloring.

After we ate, we said our goodbyes and then we all left to go back home. We really enjoyed it. It was just nice getting to be together. I definitely think that A remembered us.

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