On Monday, K and A both went to the daycare. But, on Tuesday, A had a fever, so I ended up just keeping her while mommy went to work. I was worried about not being able to keep up with her, but she was really good. She even had a poopy diaper and I told her that Momo was not use to changing diapers that she would have to help me and she came and just lay day in front of me so I could change her diaper. She would go to her play room and if she was really quiet I would ask her what she was doing and her answer always was "I dun know." I would go check and most of the time she was sitting in her doll's pack and play. I was never able to get a picture of her though. By the time I would go get my camera, she would already be out.
She also still had a fever the next day, so I ended up just keeping her at home Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. K was sure it was an ear infection, so she took her to the doctor and he said that it was a virus.
One night, we went to Toys r Us and A noticed a little girl riding in a school bus. K put her in Dumbo, but A did not want to ride in it. She wanted to ride in the school bus. The mom of the little girl was nice and told K that it was ok for A to ride with her little girl. Her little girl's name was Ava and was also 18 months old. A really wanted to ride in the driver's seat but was patient until the little girl left.
A riding in Dumbo.

A riding in the school bus with Ava.

A in the driver's seat.

A eating at Apple Bee's. She would ask the people at the next table, "what doing" and they would not even say hi to her.

K's favorite place to eat is Red Lobster, so we promised her we would go there our last night. A was not interested in eating, but she sure looked cute with her little bow in her hair.

We got up and came home today. We sure enjoyed our visit even though it was hot and muggy in Arkansas. There was a heat alert out most days that we were there.