Saturday, June 27, 2009


There is a lake about ten miles from us that we pass on the interstate and I always notice these lily pads. I have never seen so many in a lake before.
This lake also has trees growing in it. These are dead.

But these are still alive and completely covered in water. Maybe they are a different kind of tree, not sure.

Friday, June 26, 2009


K just called to tell me that the Thriller album by Michael Jackson that is on a shelf in my closet is selling on E-bay for three hundred and fifty dollars. I didn't even know I had it, I thought T did. When T was in junior high, she got her first stereo and the album for Christmas. T still has her stereo also.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today is hubby and my thirty-eighth wedding anniversary. That's a long time isn't it. I think it was as hot on this date 38 years ago in that little town in North East Mississippi as it is today in this little small town in Arkansas.

After the wedding ceremony and reception, M and I left for our honeymoon, which was about an hour away. As a wedding gift to us M's oldest brother Randy had let us borrow his new Monte Carlo to drive to Memphis and also had given us two bottles of champagne.

I remember how important we both felt driving that brand new car and checking into The Holiday Inn on Lamar Ave. in Memphis. M still had on his Tux and I had changed into another dress. It was the first time I had even stayed in a hotel and the first time I had ever tasted champagne, which I wasn't that impressed with. I was only nineteen and M was just twenty. Oh how naive I was and as the saying goes a lot of water has gone under the bridge since.

I received these roses today and we went to eat at Carinos.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


We met K, J and A in North Little Rock at the Saddle Creek Woodfired Grill for lunch and then we came back home and munched on the cookie that T sent M for Father's Day. The cookie was really good.

M and A

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hubby and I will be having our second grand daughter in November. M went to the doctor yesterday and had an ultra sound. She is nine-teen weeks. On her dad's side it will be there fifth grand child and first grand daughter. She will have to be tough with all those boys. But if she is like her mommy, she won't be tough.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I think most of you who read my blog know that A's dad is a black belt and teaches karate. J bought this karate outfit for A before she was born. So, for Father's Day K took A and had her picture made in it. She will frame the picture and give it to J for Father's Day. Have you ever seen anything cuter.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


K, A and I left for Branson, Mo. on Thursday and met hubby there. On Friday, T, M and C drove down from Kansas City and joined us. We rented a house this time, so we had plenty of room, except T ended up still sleeping on the couch. This is a picture of the house.
C sitting on the deck.
C and Papaw sitting on the deck. Papaw was getting ready to go to a convention. That is the main reason we all met in Branson, because hubby was attending a convention there, so we shopped while he was at the convention.
The house overlooked a golf course, which was beautiful. Here are some pictures of the golf course. But, I found out there would be one disadvantage to living on a golf course and that is they mow the grounds at sun-up.

C got to play miniature golf and also ride the go carts more than once. He rode with Papaw once and with Aunt T once. He said Papaw went too fast and I think when he rode with Aunt T he got a little sick to his stomach.
K said that she had never ridden a go cart before which I find hard to believe.
A enjoyed sitting in her stroller and watching everyone while they played.
We also took A and C to the pool to swim but A does not like the water, I don't think she could understand why her mommy would put her in a pool of cold water. We had even bought her a little turtle blow up with a hood to keep her from getting too much sun on her. But, she still said no thanks. But she sure did look cute in her little swimsuit and hat.I had also bought C a blow up shark but he fell off the first time he got on it and got water up his nose, so he wouldn't get on it again. So, I didn't even end up getting a picture of him on it.
A really liked C. She smiled every time he came close and C really liked A in the beginning also, but he got a little jealous of mommy holding her, which is understandable. M worries he may be jealous of his little brother or sister also.
A had plenty of people to give her attention.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


K and A came to visit today and I had two showings on the house. So, we went to the lake and let A swing. Do you think she liked it?

Monday, June 8, 2009


At the end of the week we are taking a short vacation. The whole family minus the two son in laws are meeting in Branson, Mo. for a short vacation. I for one feel like I need it, I have worked hard getting the house ready.

We have meet in Branson for the last eight years, ever since we moved back to Arkansas. It is half way for all families. This may be our last year to meet since it will closer for us to go to Kansas City after we move back to Oklahoma City than it will Branson. But we have had lots of fun meeting there every year.

C really likes Branson and has requested this year that he get to play lots of putt-putt. He loves to play putt-putt. This will be A's first year. She probably won't be too excited about it.

C playing putt-putt at the Lake of the Ozarks. M says he is pretty good at it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Well, we had another showing today. Our realtor said the only feedback she is getting is they don't like going through a laundry room to get to the garage. So, there is nothing we can do about that.
Later on today A and her Mommy came over. I got some cute pics of A. Some good news. When A had her laser surgery on Thursday, her doctor said he thinks the hemangioma has stopped growing so she may not need any more laser surgery. I know A will happy about that.

A loves to grab her feet now.

She is talking up a storm to pap pa. I am sure she is telling him a big story.

She loves this toy.

Biting her feet again.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


We had a showing at 8:30 this morning. So M and I went to McDonald's and got some sandwiches, juice and coffee and drove to the lake to eat. We watched the ducks while we were eating. Our house didn't list until after five on Wednesday and we have already had four showings. No offers but we are just excited to have had this many showings.

Friday, June 5, 2009


C and mommy went with his Grammy and aunt to the Lake of the Ozarks over the weekend. M said C had lots of fun.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well at last our house is listed.

K and A came over for a visit today. A looked so grown up in her little jeans. She goes in for another laser surgery on her face tomorrow. She is so aware of everything now and she hates it so much.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I received this in an e-mail and it brought back lots of memories.
You would probably have to be at least fifty or over to remember these.

Be sure to refill the ice trays, we're going to have company.

Watch for the postman, I want to get this letter to Willie in the mail today.

Quit slamming the screen door when you go out!

Be sure and pull the windows down when you leave, it looks like a shower is coming up.

Don't forget to wind the clock before you go to bed.

Wash your feet before you go to bed, you've been playing outside all day barefooted.( I had to wash my feet every night before I went to bed.)

Why can't you remember to roll up your britches legs? Getting them caught in the bicycle chain so many times is tearing them up.

You have torn the knees out of that pair of pants so many times there is nothing left to put a patch on.

Don't you go outside with your school clothes on!

Go comb your hair; it looks like the rats have nested in it all night.(I think I was told this every day.)

Be sure and pour the cream off the top of the milk when you open the new bottle.

Take that empty bottle to the store with you so you won't have to pay a deposit on another one.

Put a dish towel over the cake so the flies won't get on it.

Quit jumping on the floor! I have a cake in the oven and you are going to make it fall if you don't quit!

Let me know when the Fuller Brush man comes by, I need to get a few things from him.(He came door to door.)

You boys stay close by, the car may not start and I will need you to help push it off. (We parked our car on a hill so we could let it roll down the hill and start.)

There's a dollar in my purse, get 5 gallons of gas when you go to town.

Open the back door and see if we can get a breeze through here, it is getting hot.

You can walk to the store; it won't hurt you to get some exercise.

Don't sit too close to the TV. It is hard on your eyes.(We told our kids this when they were growing up.)

If you pull that stunt again, I am going to wear you out!(This meant that they were going to spank or whip you.)

Don't lose that button; I'll sew it back on after awhile.

Wash under your neck before you come to the table, you have beads of dirt and sweat all under there.

Get out from under the sewing machine; pumping it messes up the thread!(I did this to my mother's sewing machine all the time.)

Be sure and fill the lamps this morning so we don't have to do that tonight in the dark.(We had electricity when I was born.)

Here, take this old magazine to the toilet with you when you go, we are almost out of paper out there.(To wipe with in case some of you don't know.)

Go out to the well and draw a bucket of water so I can wash dishes.(We had running water when I was born.)

Don't turn the radio on now, I want the battery to be up when the Grand Ole Opry comes on.(We did sit out on the front porch and listen to the Grand Ole Opry, but our radio was electric.)

No! I don't have 10 cents for you to go to the show.

Do you think money grows on trees?(I heard this a lot.)

Eat those turnips, they'll make you big and strong like your daddy.

That dog is NOT coming in this house! I don't care how cold it is out there, dogs don't stay in the house.(Yep, this is what they believed.)

Sit still! I'm trying to get your hair cut straight and you keep moving and it is all messed up.

Hush your mouth! I don't want to hear words like that! I'll wash your mouth out with soap!

It is time for your system to be cleaned out. I am going to give you a dose of castor oil tonight.

If you get a spanking in school and I find out about it, you'll get another one when you get home.

Quit crossing your eyes! They will get stuck that way!

Soak your foot in this pan of kerosene so that bad cut won't get infected.(Never had this done. Can you imagine how it would burn.)

When you take your driving test, don't forget to signal each turn. Left arm straight out the window for a left turn; left arm bent up at the elbow for a right turn; and straight down to the side of the door when you are going to stop.

It's: 'Yes Ma'am!' and 'No Ma'am!' to me, young man, and don't you forget it!

A telephone operator saying, "Number please."

Bring back any memories?

I also have one to add. Go wash your neck, it looks rusty.