Friday, November 24, 2017


We didn't have our KC crew  this year but will meet them in Branson on Christmas Day.

Jack looks like he is excited over the food and can't even eat any. The food was delicious.  Hubby cooked the turkey.  I made the cornbread dressing and we ordered a pecan pie to be made and picked it up at a local restaurant which was really good.  The rest was done by Tracy and Kim.  I couldn't do it anymore without them. I did use to do it all without any help though.

Jack and his Pap-pa.

Sunday, November 12, 2017


This lake is across the boulevard from us and is beautiful this fall.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


We took a quick trip to KC this weekend to help Karlie celebrate her 8th birthday.  Tracy, hubby, Abby and I left Friday morning.  Saturday morning was Karlies last soccer game.  Her team won and Karlie scored two of the goals.  After the game Karlie went to Chuck E Cheese for her birthday celebration.  She didn't have a party but she did get a cake and Chuck E brought it out to her.  Tracy worked at Chuck E Cheese for several years when she was in high school and in college.  She brought a few of those cakes home when she was working there and they are just as good now as they were  way back then.

We got up Sunday morning and packed and headed back to Arkansas but stopped on the way out for a photo shoot.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


This is the view we have from our breakfast room table. I love being back in Arkansas and having trees again.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Wonder Woman and Panda Head.


A unicorn and a little Jack in the Box.