Saturday, August 26, 2017


We will be getting together at this beautiful resort in about a week for a family get together and to celebrate birthdays. We haven't had a family get together at a resort in awhile, not since we moved back to Arkansas. But, we are finally all settled in and Jack is now old enough to maybe enjoy doing a little traveling. Kim and I will be celebrating our birthdays while we are there and I think hubby, Michelle and Carter will be playing golf on this beautiful golf course located on the resort.

Thursday, August 17, 2017


My grand-kids are all back in school. Abby's first day was Monday and Carter and Karlie's first day was today. Abby and Karlie are both starting 2nd grade and Carter is going into middle school, 6th grade. I hope they all have a great year.

Saturday, August 5, 2017


I haven't shared a picture of Jack in awhile. He will be 4 months in one week. He is wide awake now. Tracy has been taking Abby and Jack on adventures this week. I think he is enjoying getting out of the house.

Friday, August 4, 2017


It just keeps growing and keeps growing. It is going to eventually cover our porch. They were both set out at the same time and same soil but the one on the left ran off and left the one on the right.