Saturday, January 14, 2017


Tracy, Melvin and I went over to Kim and Jamie's last night to help Abby celebrate her birthday. It is hard to believe my oldest granddaughter is already eight. She didn't have a big party this year. Just her two best friends for a slumber party. Kim just wasn't up to having a big party this year.

This little cutie is Abby's cousin on her Dad's side. I think she enjoyed the party.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


We woke up yesterday morning to snow. Not a lot but our first snow since we moved in this house and the first snow of the year.
 Golf course covered in snow.  Taken from our back yard.

 The ditch that runs the length of our backyard.  Hubby went and took the pictures and said he saw deer tracks everywhere.  Just wonder where the ducks/geese are.

Pond behind our house.

This picture was taken in a nearby park.