We are finally beginning to see a little color on the trees. The tree with the most color is a scaly bark/Hickory Nut tree. It is on the property line between us and our neighbor. Not really sure who the tree really belongs too.
While growing up in Northeast Mississippi,we had several scaly barks trees on our 150 acre farm. The nuts would begin to fall close to Thanksgiving but we were always busy picking that last little bit of cotton and didn't have time to gather them.
We would sometimes look up from our picking and see people on the hill gathering them and putting them in large sacks. The rich ladies from town would bring their maids out to gather them while they sat in their cars and watched. No they did not ask permission from us. My mother did use them. She made a scaly bark cake that was delicious and also used them in our fruit salad for Thanksgiving. These same women lived on a main street in our small town that had huge pecan trees that covered the sidewalks. If anyone came and picked up just one of their pecans, they would run out and yell at them.
We sold our farm when I was 10 but it is strange how some things stand out in my mind.