Saturday, December 31, 2016


We went to an early New Year's Eve dinner at the Crazy Habachi.
Kim, Abby and Tracy.
I start laughing every time I look at this picture. For some reason they gave Jamie lots of rice.

Friday, December 30, 2016


Hubby and I will become grandparents again in April. It will make us two grandsons and two grand-daughters. This video is worth your time to watch. It will make your day. It especially would if you knew the whole story. Just not my story to tell.

Monday, December 26, 2016


Tracy, Kim and Abby came over Christmas Eve and we had some appetizers and then opened gifts.

Abby showing off the ornament that she made for me when she was two. This was the first year I put it on the tree. I had forgotten where I put it until we moved and I found it.
Kim and Abby.
Tracy and Abby.
Melvin and Abby.

Abby at her house on Christmas Eve getting ready for Santa.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


My KC crew getting reading for Christmas. They will be going to Missouri this year to spend Christmas with Tad's family. Hopefully we will get to see all of them in January in Kansas City though.

Carter and Karlie enjoying the lights at Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo.  They go every year.  It is a Christmas family tradition.

Miss Karlie looks happy.

Michelle, Carter and Karlie

Sunday, December 18, 2016


My favorite is my Christmas Card tree.  It has all of my cards with pictures of the grand-kids on them.  I started ordering cards with pictures of them on the cards when Carter was 4.

The one on the left was my first card.  Carter was 4, Abby 9 months and Karlie one month.   I might have been a little prejudice but I thought they were adorable.  The one on the right is this years card.  Carter is 11, Abby 7 turning 8 in January and Karlie just turned 7 in November.  They have grown up so fast.

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Abby's hand print when she was two.