Saturday, May 28, 2016


This is our backyard at our new house. We have a few more trees than we did at our old house in Oklahoma. The yard and flower beds are going to need a lot of work once we officially get moved in. It is more important right now getting our furniture in and things arranged. Our furniture should arrive by next Friday. Behind the trees is a ditch that leads to a pond. There is a beaver cutting one of our trees to use to build a dam on the ditch. Hubby has been excited about it and took Abby and showed her, but she wasn't as excited as he was. On the other side of the ditch is the golf cart path. Since it is summer and the leaves are on the trees, we can't really see the golfers or golf carts go by anymore. I can sure hear them though. Today has been a busy day for them.

Friday, May 27, 2016


I am sharing a few pictures of our house that the professional photographer took. They turned out good, except there are lots of shadows on some. It listed on Wednesday and we had a showing on Thursday.

I really liked this foyer.

Master bedroom.

Abby was sad when she saw pictures of the bonus room and toys.  I told her the toys would be coming to our house here in Arkansas, but she was still sad.
Guest bathroom upstairs.

If we had stayed in the house another year,we were going to have a pergola built over the second patio.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Our  house has been listed, but the sign will not be put up until Wednesday. The photographer is coming to take pictures tomorrow(weather permitting). Our realtor says she will not officially list without pictures. Can you believe they now hire professional photographers to take the pictures. I guess a lot has changed since we last sold, almost 7 years ago. The realtor was still taking pictures back then.

Fresh flowers for the pictures.  Realtor thinks we may need all the help we can get.  Houses not selling that well in our area right now.  Oh well, we will just have to wait and see.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


I have another kindergarten graduate. My grand-babies are all growing up.

Monday, May 2, 2016


A few pics of the grand kids at Frontier City. Carter was having issues with his stomach so he didn't really ride many things. He mostly played games. Karlie had fun and rode lots of things. Looks like pap-pa had fun also. Tracy was worn out the next day.