Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Tracy went to Arkansas last weekend to go house hunting. Yes, she is also moving to Arkansas. In fact, she is the one that first decided to move to Arkansas. We are just following her. We will have two daughters in Arkansas and as we get older we need to be close to some of our kids.

 Last week was Abby's Spring Break.   So, Tracy brought her back to Oklahoma to spend the week.  Tracy kept her busy.   They went to the Zoo, Science Museum,and Brickopolis. We took her back this weekend and spent Easter in Arkansas.  Abby is excited about us moving back, but she also is sad because she says she will miss Oklahoma.

Abby at her Easter egg hunt at Pinnacle Mountain.

After church, we all went out to eat before we left to go back to Oklahoma.  Abby was sad, but we told her we would see her in less than two weeks.  We will be going back to close on our house.

Looks like they had an Easter egg hunt at the restaurant and someone forgot to find one of the eggs.  Kim spotted it on top of the picture.

Abby and her cousin on her dad's side at their Easter dinner.  I think Abby kind of likes holding her little cousin.

 Our grand-kids in Kansas.  Their Easter started off to waking up with snow on the ground, but it melted soon.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Yes, we are moving.  Hubby is retiring at the end of April and we have already bought a house in Arkansas.  Now we just have to get busy and get our house in Oklahoma ready to list.  Not a whole lot to do to get it ready but the main thing is throwing away and donating to Goodwill.  We are downsizing so we have lots of things to get rid of.

This is our new house in Arkansas.  It will have around 500 sq. ft. less than our present house.  But, it has everything we wanted.  One level, three car garage,  hardwood floors, wooded area behind for privacy and on a golf course.  I am sure one of our first purchases when we get moved in will be to purchase a golf cart and hubby will be playing golf every day.  Hubby does have some part time jobs lined up to keep him busy.

I don't dislike Oklahoma,  Altogether we have lived in Oklahoma for 28 years.  Our girls grew up here and graduated from school in Oklahoma.  But, I will admit that I will not miss tornado season and earthquakes.  We have some days as many as 4 to 5 earthquakes and that begins to wear on you.