Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hubby, Tracy and I traveled to Arkansas about a month ago to help Abby celebrate her 7th birthday. Yep, it has been a month, I just haven't been in the mood for some reason to blog. We met Michelle and family there. Hubby and I and Michelle and family ended up staying in a hotel close by Kim and family's house. Abby's party this year was a bowling party. All of my grand kids are pretty good at bowling.

A cute picture of Abby and Karlie at the party.

Abby's cake. It was cute and taste really good also.

 Abby had lots of little friends at the party.

Abby opening gifts.  Karlie is smiling because that is her gift to Abby. Not sure what the look is on Abby's face but she did like the gift.

Abby and Karlie in our hotel room.  They enjoyed being together, but those two are a handful when they are together.  We thought we might get thrown out of the hotel.  So, Kim and I decided to take the kids down to the lobby to play board games while hubby and Tracy went to pick up dinner nearby for everyone.  Later on that night the kids got to go swimming in the indoor heated pool.  Abby also talked the lady at the desk into cooking more cookies, since Karlie ate the last chocolate chip one.LOL 
The next morning we checked out of the hotel and said our goodbyes.  Tracy stayed at Kim's house so she didn't get to see Michelle and family before they left.  I think Karlie was sad that she didn't get to see Tracy before she left. We enjoyed the trip and all the family getting to be together.