Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Tracy and I took a quick trip to Kansas City this weekend.  Hubby had intended to go but something came up at his work and he couldn't go.

We arrived Friday afternoon and Carter had something going on at his school that night.  So, Tracy, Karlie and I went to Red Robin to eat while they all went to Carter's school.  

It rained on Saturday, so we decided to just go to a dinosaur museum.  It was a cute museum.  I think Carter and Karlie enjoyed it.  I kept thinking Abby would have enjoyed it also.  There is not much in AR for us to take Abby to.

This room was where the kids could create their own dinosaur and then go back out and see a picture of it with them on a screen.
Michelle and Karlie digging for fossils. This might have been Karlie's favorite.

Not sure the meaning of the tree.  Maybe it was petrified.

Some kind of animal in the tank. They had a baby hedgehog and snakes and other animals.
Michelle trying on a gas mask. Not sure the purpose of the masks either but Carter enjoyed them.
Carter enjoyed trying on the different masks.

We went to eat at Old Chicago on Saturday night and Karlie had to bring in her box.  The place was packed but it didn't bother Karlie carrying her big box in between all the people.
We left Sunday afternoon to come back to Oklahoma.  It didn't seem like we got to spend much time with them.