Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I drove around our neighborhood the other day and took pictures of all the decorations.
It looks like these ghosts are talking to each other.

They have a light that shines on this at night and makes the witch look white.  We drove by several times so Carter and Karlie could see it.

I think this is suppose to be a ghost.

I think this was my favorite decoration.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Over the weekend Abby went to a birthday party at a pumpkin patch.  Looks like she enjoyed it.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Michelle, Carter and Karlie arrived on Thursday night. Karlie told me when she first arrived that she was going to three pumpkin patches.  That she had already been to one and was going to two more.  She was correct.  They went to Pumpkinville on Friday.  It was downtown close to where Tracy works.  It was cold, looked like it might rain at any time.  But, the kids loved it.

I think this turned out to be a cute picture.

This is an owl.  Some artist in OKC made it.  I think he did a good job.

The pumpkins that Carter and Karlie painted.  I am not sure if Karlies' ever dried.

On Saturday they went to a pumpkin  patch close to our house.   The weather was nice on Saturday.  It was in the high sixties. Karlie said that this was her favorite one because it had animals.  I think she would go to one everyday, she loves pumpkin patches.  Tracy  said that she had been to enough for awhile.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013