Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Kim, Abby, Tracy and I left Friday morning for a trip to Kansas City. Kim and Abby had arrived in Oklahoma City on Thursday night. Tad was out of town for a golf tournament. So it was just the girls and Carter. We arrived in plenty of time for Carter's baseball game. He played really well.
Kansas Trip

Abby and Karlie enjoyed running around at the ballpark...
Kansas Trip

And playing on the fun playground equipment.
Kansas Trip

They all took a bubble bath after getting so dirty at the game.

The next day, we had a photographer meet us at a nice area with a lake, bridges amd natural waterfalls to have pictures taken. It was tough! A lot of walking for everyone and much work getting the kids to pose and smile. So as their reward for being (sorta) good, we took them to an indoor amusement park called Zonkers.

Abby loved this roller coaster so much, poor Kim had to ride it probably at least a dozen times.

They had so much fun with this air hockey table that was just their size.

We went to Red Robin to eat lunch before we left on Sunday. Karlie and Abby fought to sit next to Tracy. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friday, May 11, 2012


Have you ever known anyone personally that has been featured in a magazine? Well, I haven't until now. This person was Tracy's roommate when she was in the college. She is from a really small town in the pan handle of Oklahoma. Since she and her husband have been married, they have lived in Paris, France, Amstersdam, and they presently live in Berlin, Germany. Tracy visited her and her husband when they lived in Paris.