Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Carter and Karlie spent their Easter in NW Missouri with their other grandparents.

The Easter Bunny came to their house before they left. Karlie is checking out what the Easter Bunny left her.

On Saturday was an Easter egg hunt at the local park in their grandparents home town. I don't think Karlie was that interested in the Easter Bunny. But, Carter likes him.

Karlie and Carter dressed in their Easter outfits on Easter morning.

Later that afternoon was a family Easter egg hunt. I don't think Karlie was that excited over finding eggs either.

But I hear Carter is really good at finding eggs and apparently not afraid of climbing walls to find them.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Abby and family came in on Friday night. Dad had to stay in a hotel close by, because he is allergic to our cats. So, after dinner we all went to the hotel to swim in the indoor pool. Abby now likes to swim, finally. In fact, she had a melt-down when it was time to get out.On Saturday, Abby got to go Orr Family Farm about thirty minutes from our house. Tracy says it reminds her of Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead in Overland Park, Kansas. She loved it, except she didn't really care for the animals. There was no way she was going to ride a pony. There was something to jump on. Look how high she can jump. I was impressed.Since it was Easter, they had an Easter Egg hunt. She found several eggs.

This was the only way she was going to have her picture made with the Easter Bunny.

Her favorite thing there was the sand box. After she found it, she didn't care about doing anything else.

Kim didn't tell her until Easter morning that the Easter Bunny came to see her. She didn't really know what to think. These are gifts from the Easter Bunny, Momo and Pap-pa and Aunt Tracy.

Abby eating the chocolate bunny the Easter Bunny left. Try and tell her that she can't.

We woke up to rain on Easter morning. But, mommy dressed her up all cute in her Easter dress to go out for dinner. But, when we got to the restaurant only Momo, Pap-pa and Aunt Tracy ended up eating at the restaurant. Mommy, Daddy and Abby had to leave. It is a long, long story. Abby got to go swimming again that night. ..................THE END

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Abby went on an Easter egg hunt today at a local park. I think she had fun. Also notice that she got a hair cut. She is looking like such a big girl now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This is a video of a 100 year old tree that fell during a storm yesterday in my hometown in Northeast Mississippi. Seeing those big old trees makes me sad that we don't have any, where we live now. But, on the other hand, it is nice to know we won't have to clean them up if we have a storm or high winds.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Our next door neighbor's house, think maybe they are perfectionists?

Friday, April 8, 2011


Abby waving bye. Also did you notice that he has his guitar, so Abby has hers.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011


On Friday, after the park, we took the kids up to the waterfall to take some pictures. Carter did really good and would pose. Karlie just wanted to run around and wasn't really into having her picture taken.

Friday, April 1, 2011


The kids got into their loot first thing when they got to Momo and Pappa's house.

Karlie liked brother's Easter basket best. The kids were all dressed and ready to go see the Easter bunny this morning and we decided maybe we should call first and find out if the Easter bunny was at the mall. Nope, he won't be at the mall until the ninth of this month. So, instead we took them to the park to play.
I think they had fun at the park but Karlie had a rough day. Lulu slapped her this morning. It did not hurt her but it sure scared her. She fell and skinned her knee at the park and then fell and bumped her head.