Monday, January 15, 2018


It is hard to believe that our oldest granddaughter turned nine over the weekend.

The cake taste as good as it looks.

 She had family and a few girls over for a slumber party.

Part of Abby's birthday gift was to get to go Friday night to a Katy Perry concert. She has been a big fan of Katy Perry since she was a tiny little thing.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Brrr 12 degrees here this morning. That is cold for this part of the country. Our creek behind our house is frozen.

Monday, January 1, 2018


We left about noon on Christmas day to meet Michelle and family in Branson. We arrived around 4 and immediately starting getting Christmas dinner prepared. We took the food with us to cook. We had everything ready by about 6. It all turned out good. The next morning  Melvin awoke to a stomach bug. So, he and I spent the day at the condo and didn't leave until time to return home on Wednesday. I was feeling a little bad but just hoping I would make it back before anything happened and I did but the bug hit me within a few hours after returning.

Also Michelle and family were returning home and got rear ended at a red light.  The lady didn't even brake.  It is a good thing they were in their jeep.  There was not hardly any damage to their car and only had sore necks.  I think it scared Karlie really bad.

We stayed in condos at Branson Creek.  They were really nice.  We had a waterfall outside our bedroom window and we could hear it all night.

Carter and Karlie opening gifts.  They were proud of all their gifts.Both of my granddaughters were really into Jo Jo and Hatchimals this year.

 Michelle, Tad, Tracy, Carter and Karlie left to go have fun on Tuesday morning.  They went to Cedar Lodge and the kids played arcades and they all went bowling.

The kids standing in front of the Christmas tree at Big Cedar Lodge.

 The bowling alley looks neat but they said it was a little distracting.

Top of the Rock

Sunday, December 24, 2017


We celebrated with our Arkansas family today and will be traveling to Branson tomorrow to meet our KC family and celebrate with them.

Jack figured out how to open his gifts.  After opening his first gift he figured it out, that if he unwrapped it, a toy was going to be inside.

I think Jack liked his chair from Momo and Pap-pa.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


This was Abby her 1st Christmas.
Jack in the same outfit his 1st Christmas.


Michelle and family make a trip to Union Station in KC every Christmas. Karlie looks like she is enjoying it.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017